Bohemian Ventures

Bohemian Ventures
Dělnická 22, 170 00 Praha 7
Telephone: 266 712 414
Fax: 220 801 498

The company Bohemian Ventures ( is a reliable partner for English teaching. As the exclusive importer of textbooks published by Pearson, and also the distributor of other major publishers of ELT titles, it provides a complete service for language schools, as well as state institutions and freelance teachers of English. Bohemian Ventures not only delivers textbooks, but it also provides support to teachers. It publishes supplementary materials for the Pearson textbooks for free download, gives teaching tips, provides information about new titles and the latest news in the field of education. The Bohemian Ventures team organizes workshops in schools and provides methodological consultations on Pearson textbooks, and answers general methodological questions.




Bohemia Ventures, spol. s r.o. Books & Books s.r.o. ONLINE jazyky - angličtina online pro samouky, s.r.o. Fraus LanguageCert Euroexam